Donate Money
To enhance the resilience of the Ukrainian media during wartime, ensure their immediate recovery and support the production of diverse high quality content for the Ukrainian audience, you can make a donation through this platform. All donated funds are distributed under the small grants program by the Ukrainian Media Allies Program Council according to the priorities identified by the Supervisory Board. In order to be supported, the media (national radios, local radios, TVs and online, hyperlocal radios, TVs and online) have to submit the application form. The Program Council assesses the applications and issues small grants on a semi-annual basis.

Donate Equipment
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, many Ukrainian media have lost either all or part of their equipment. Some equipment was destroyed by the occupiers, some was stolen and taken out of Ukraine, some got broken due to active exploitation, etc. As the advertising market collapsed during the first months of the war, the media lost their income sources and were not able to purchase the equipment they required.
Thus, in order to keep working, Ukrainian national radios, local radios, TVs and online, as well as hyperlocal radios, TVs and online need such equipment as portable charging stations, uninterruptible power supply stations, generators, editing stations, filming equipment, sound equipment, light equipment, office equipment, etc. Moreover, some of the media require servers to store the archives and edit the footage as well as post-production software.
To send used or new equipment to the Ukrainian media, please, fill in the online form specifying what equipment you would like to donate. Our specialist will contact you to negotiate the details.

Donate Knowledge
The Ukrainian media need new knowledge and skills today to work more effectively tomorrow. As a media professional, you can become a part of progressive changes in the Ukrainian media environment and donate your time to conduct a free training, coaching session or consultation for colleagues from Ukraine. You can also donate the rights to translate your books into Ukrainian or adapt and publish your self-education courses for media professionals.
Based on the knowledge donations, the Association’s education center Ukrainian Media E-School will prepare a comprehensive training program covering different topics from digital and marketing to production and advertising, ensure the organization of all education events as well as the translation of all education materials. Both events and materials will be free of charge for the Ukrainian media specialists.
To donate your knowledge, fill in the online form and our specialist will contact you to negotiate the details.

Donate Content
Many Ukrainian media outlets are not able to produce their own content as much as before due to limited technical, human and financial resources. The content you are ready to share will help them to fill the airtime with quality, interesting and useful information for viewers and listeners (e.g. culinary programs, travel shows, talent shows, programs about premises decoration and renovation, makeovers, documentaries, historical programs, programs about famous personalities, etc.). All received content will be translated into Ukrainian and will be provided for further distribution to the Ukrainian media free of charge.
To donate the rights to distribute your content, fill in the online form and our specialist will contact you to negotiate the details.