What is the idea behind the fundraising platform?
The platform is designed to raise international support aimed at enhancing the resilience of the Ukrainian media during wartime, ensuring their immediate recovery and helping produce and distribute diverse high quality content. The platform provides the donation instrument via payment system/bank transfers (for money) and/or data forms to donate content, equipment and knowledge.
Who receives the support?
Your donations will go to radio stations (local, hyperlocal and national), TV channels (local and hyperlocal) and online media (local and hyperlocal) in Ukraine that experience damage or are impacted by the war.
How are donations distributed?
All donated funds are distributed under the small grants program among the media by the UMA Program Council based on the priorities identified by the Supervisory Board. In order to be supported, local media agencies have to apply with a form explaining their urgencies, needs and calculations. The Program Council considers applications on a semi-annual basis and makes decisions based on the most vital and urgent needs for financial support.
How can I see my contribution?
While donating on the UMA platform you can tick the option to receive reports on UMA achievements. The annual reporting on UMA will be available on the website. The success stories of the media will be published on web, LinkedIn and FB pages.
Who manages the UMA project?
National Association of Media, NAM (by 10 December 2019 – Independent Association of Broadcasters) is the largest professional organization representing the interests of around 150 powerful national networks as well as smaller regional and local media from all over Ukraine in an effort to develop a professional media sector. The NAM team consists of more than 20 experienced lawyers, media experts, sociologists, journalists, and analysts whose activities derive from the NAM mission: to protect freedom of speech, develop a free media market and contribute to NAM members’ sustainability. NAM has more than 20 years of experience in advocacy, legal support and conducting industrial events, 10 years in holding media researches and training programs and 5 years in TV/radio content production and co-production.